Change_vNIC.ps1 (zpäť na zoznam) Zmena VMWare E1000 sieťovej karty na VMXNet3 na virtuálnych servroch. Skript nie je plne funkčný, kedže je dosť zložité vierohodne zálohovať a následne obnoviť sieťovú konfiguráciu a taktiež je takmer nemožné debugovať skript, keďže výstupy nie sú vypísané do konzoly.
			#vCenter name
$vCenter = ""

#admin account and password
$adminAccount = ""
$adminPWD = ""

#list of VMs
$VMlist = Get-Content "C:\temp\vmlist.txt"

#error settings
$ErrorActionPreference= 'SilentlyContinue'

#log folder
$log_folder = "C:\temp\vNIC_Change"
#log file
$log_file = $log_folder+"\"

if (-not (Test-Path -Path $log_folder)) {
    if (New-Item -Path $log_folder -ItemType Directory) {
        Write-Host "Log folder `"$log_folder`" created."
    else {
        Write-Host "Unable to create log folder."
else {
    Write-Host "Log folder already exists."

#vmware snapin
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

#connection to vCenter
$connect = Connect-VIServer -server $vCenter

#get CLI version, different cmdlets used in version 6
$cli = (get-powercliversion).major

if ($connect) {
    foreach ($vm in $VMlist) {
        Write-Host "Working on $vm"

        #getting guest operating system
        $guestOS = (get-vmguest $vm).OSFullName
        #checking if VM has E1000 adapter
        $adapter = get-vm $vm | Get-NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "e1000"}

        #performing only on 2012 and only for e1000 adapter, vmtools have to be also installed, if these conditions aren't met, skipping to next server
        if ((get-vmguest $vm).toolsversion) {
            if ($guestOS -match "2012") {
                if ($adapter) {
                    #save configuration for adapters
                    $script = '
                        netsh interface ip dump > c:\temp\ifconfig_raw.txt
                    $output = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -ScriptText $script -GuestUser $adminAccount -GuestPassword $adminPWD
                    $log_file += $vm+"_IPdump.txt"
                    if ($output) { #not working with -GuestCredentials
                        $output | Out-File $log_file
                        Write-Host "Command to dump network configuration executed, check log for output $log_file."
                    else {
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unable to execute `"netsh`" command to dump network configuration on $vm. Skipping to next server."
                        "Unable to execute `"netsh`" command to dump network configuration." | Out-File $log_file
                    #deleting blank rows, restore will not work with them
                    $script = '
                        get-content c:\temp\ifconfig_raw.txt | where {$_ -ne ""} > c:\temp\ifconfig.txt
                    $log_file += $vm+"_blankrows.txt"
                    $output = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -ScriptText $script -GuestUser $adminAccount -GuestPassword $adminPWD
                    if ($output) {
                        $output | Out-File $log_file
                        Write-Host "Command to remove blank rows from netsh dump executed."
                    else {
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unable to execute command to remove blank rows from netsh dump on $vm. Skipping to next server."
                        "Unable to execute command to remove blank rows from netsh dump." | Out-File $log_file

                    #settings of old adapter
                    $script = '
                        $old_adapter = get-wmiobject win32_networkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.Manufacturer -match "Intel"}
                        $old_adapter.NetConnectionID | Out-File C:\Temp\adapter_name.txt
                        $old_adapter.MACAddress | Out-File C:\Temp\adapter_mac.txt
                        $old_adapter.NetConnectionID = "E1000"
                    $log_file += $vm+"_oldNIC.txt"
                    $output = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -ScriptText $script -GuestUser $adminAccount -GuestPassword $adminPWD
                    if ($output) {
                        Write-Host "Command to save name, MAC and to rename adapter executed, check log for output $log_file."
                        $output | Out-File $log_file
                    else {
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unable to execute commands to save name, MAC and to rename adapter."
                        "Unable to execute commands to save name, MAC and to rename adapter." | Out-File $log_file

                    #change adapter type to vmxnet3
                    $log_file = $vm+"_vNICchange.txt"
                    if ($adapter | set-networkadapter -type vmxnet3 -confirm:$false) {
                        Write-Host "Adapter type changed to VMxnet3."
                        "Adapter type changed to VMxnet3." | Out-File $log_file
                    else {
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unable to change adapter type to VMxnet3 for $vm. Skipping to next server."
                        "Unable to change adapter type to VMxnet3. Skipping to next server." | Out-File $log_file
                    ## shutdown the server
                    $log_file = $vm+"_shutdown.txt"
                    if ($cli -eq 6) {
                        if (Stop-VMGuest $vm -Confirm:$false) {
                            Write-Host "Gracefull shutdown of $vm executed"
                            "Gracefull shutdown of $vm executed" | Out-File $log_file
                        else {
                            Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unsuccessfull gracefull shutdown of $vm. Forcing...."
                            "Unsuccessfull gracefull shutdown of server. Forcing...." | Out-File $log_file
                            if (Stop-VM $VM -Confirm:$false) {
                                Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Yellow" "Successfull shutdown of $vm"
                                Add-Content "Successfull shutdown of VM" $log_file
                    else {
                        if (Shutdown-VMGuest $vm -Confirm:$false) {
                            Write-Host "Gracefull shutdown of $vm executed"
                            "Gracefull shutdown of $vm executed" | Out-File $log_file
                        else {
                            Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unsuccessfull gracefull shutdown of $vm. Forcing...."
                            "Unsuccessfull gracefull shutdown of server. Forcing...." | Out-File $log_file
                            if (Stop-VM $VM -Confirm:$false) {
                                Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Yellow" "Successfull shutdown of $vm"
                                Add-Content "Successfull shutdown of VM" $log_file

                    #checking server status, if it is powered off
                    $log_file += $vm+"_shutdown.txt"
                    $i = 0
                    do {
                        start-sleep -s 10
                        $status = (Get-VM $vm).PowerState
                        Write-Host "Waiting for complete shutdown. $status"
                        if ($i -eq 18) {
                            Write-host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Server $vm is not off after 3 minutes. Check status manually"
                            "Server is not off after 3 minutes." | Out-File $log_file
                    } while ($status -ne "PoweredOff")

                    #VM start
                    Start-VM $vm -confirm:$false

                    #waiting for complete boot
                    $log_file += $vm+"_poweron.txt"
                    $i = 0
                    do {
                        Start-Sleep -s 10
                        $toolsStatus = (Get-VMGuest $vm).ExtensionData.ToolsStatus
                        Write-Host "Waiting for complete start. $toolsStatus"
                        if ($i -eq 18) {
                            Write-host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Server $vm is not on after 3 minutes. Check status manually"
                            "Server is not on after 3 minutes." | Out-File $log_file
                    } while ($toolsStatus -ne "toolsOK")

                    #configuring name of new adapter
                    $script = '
                        $adapterName = Get-Content C:\Temp\adapter_name.txt
                        $adapterMAC = Get-Content C:\Temp\adapter_mac.txt
                        $new_adapter = get-wmiobject win32_networkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.MACAddress -eq $adapterMAC}
                        $new_adapter.NetConnectionID = $adapterName
                    $log_file += $vm+"_newNIC.txt"
                    $output = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -ScriptText $script -GuestUser $adminAccount -GuestPassword $adminPWD
                    if ($output) {
                        Write-Host "Command to rename new adapter executed. Check log for output $log_file"
                        $output | Out-File $log_file
                    else {
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unable to execute command to rename new adapter. Skipping to next server."
                        "Unable to execute command to rename new adapter." | Out-File $log_file

                    #set IP configuration to new adapter
                    $script = '
                        netsh -c interface -f c:\temp\ifconfig.txt
                    $log_file += $vm+"_restoreIP.txt"
                    $output = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -ScriptText $script -GuestUser $adminAccount -GuestPassword $adminPWD
                    if ($output) {
                        Write-Host "Command to restore network configuration executed. Check log for output $log_file"
                        $output | Out-File $log_file
                    else {
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unable to execute command to restore network configuration. Skipping to next server."
                        "Unable to execute command to restore network configuration." | Out-File $log_file
                else {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Yellow" "$vm doesn't have E1000 adapter. Skipping to next server."
                    $log_file = $vm+"_E1000.txt"
                    "Server has no E1000 adapter." | Out-File $log_file
            else {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Yellow" "$vm is not Windows Server 2012. Skipping to next server."
                $log_file = $vm+"_OSversion.txt"
                "Server is not 2012 Windows Server." | Out-File $log_file

        else {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "$vm has no VMTools installed, unable to change the vNIC via this script. Skipping to next server."
            $log_file = $vm+"_vmtools.txt"
            "No VMTools installed, unable to continue." | Out-File $log_file

    #disconnecting from vCenter server
    disConnect-VIServer -Server $vCenter -Confirm:$false
else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" "Unable to connect to vCenter $vCenter"